DIVERT Partners

Partner: Ingeus
URL:  www.ingeus.co.uk
Our Custody Intervention Coaches refer participants into Ingeus where they will receive tailored 1-1 support from of a dedicated Ingeus Case Worker. This includes assistance to improve basic skills and access to training courses relevant to their chosen career and/or vocational path as well as engaging with the Connecting Communities and Pioneer Support programmes.

Partner: LMP Education
URL: www.lmp-group.co.uk
LMP is committed to developing educational programmes and activities that encourage learning and growth. Our agreement includes the support of DIVERT Custody Intervention Coaches to enhance the growth and development of candidates that have been referred to develop the technical and educational skills necessary to secure sustainable employment and/or further educational opportunities.

Partner: My Options
URL: www.myoptions.org.uk
My Options co host our weekly Job Club where they determine which appropriate tools to use to achieve the clubs objective of assisting DIVERT referrals to identify and secure sustainable training and/or employment opportunities. In conjunction with DIVERT they arrange for employers with live vacancies to engage with DIVERT clients whilst in attendance at the Job Club.

Partner: Connection Crew 
URL: https://connectioncrew.co.uk
Connection Crew’s longstanding working relationship with Bounce Back has been extended to include DIVERT participants. The Social Enterprise offers a diverse range of employment contracts allowing referrals to opt to gradually engage with full time employment. Our referrals are partnered with a mentor/buddy who is typically an older and experienced member of staff able to provide both leadership and holistic support as and when required. Connection Crew work with Corporates includig TV, theatre, film and advertising bodies and construct stage and lighting for outdoor events as well as facilities management.

Partner: Standing Tall Foundation
URL: https://www.standingtallfoundation.org.uk
Standing Tall supports Divert participants experiencing homelessness into full time jobs and stable housing working with candidates for several weeks assessing their readiness for work/skills/experience, before introducing them to a Partner Businesses.  Once someone has started employment, they match them with a host, who they rent a room and gain support from. After the 6 months of hosting is complete, they work with that person to help them find their own place to privately rent.

Partner: XO Bikes
URL: https://xobikes.com/
XO Bikes provides ex-offenders with the manual skills to repair bikes in its mechanic training workshop.  Many of the bikes are donated by the Met after being lost or stolen and are then sold or donated once they’ve been refurbished at the workshop. XO Bikes offers a ‘Safe Space’ for DIVERT to meet with participants linked to the  Wandsworth area.

Partner: Brave the Rage
URL: https://bravetherage.co.uk
Brave the Rage provides a targeted and quite unique solution focused approach to addressing mental health management by using a range of supporting coping mechanisms regarding bullying, social skills anxiety and how to effectively manage angry feelings and emotions for robust wellbeing. This approach has proven to be beneficial to both our Custody Intervention Coaches and our clients.

Partner: The LOWE Group
URL:  https://thelowegroupltd.com
The LOWE Group offers a resource to DIVERT participants as a space provider that utilises vacant properties to provide temporary living space. This award winning, cost-effective and innovative solution cares for vacant properties benefiting residents and property owners alike, whilst supporting local communities. LOWE further supports DIVERT operationally by donating space to host employer and networking events.

Partner: JobMatcha
URL: About Us – Jobmatcha
JobMatcha supports DIVERT referrals enabling them to access their resources and with interview preparation prior to registering for employment. Using their app it is possible to create a profile remotely using a phone and to upload proof of identity, qualifications etc as well as set criteria that matches people with the right jobs, in the right location.

Partner: Croydon Serious Violence Team
Working as a multi-agency intervention, the team offers support for at risk individuals to prevent and reduce their activity in criminal activities. Regular engagement with the DIVERT Partnership representative empowers the Croydon team to identify and/ or design employment and/or training pathways to match the needs of their client cohort.

Partner: No Going Back
URL: www.nogoingback.uk
We work closely with No Going Back referring candidates to their programme which offers employability assessment and support with education, training and employment.  We also utilise their building as a ‘safe space’ where we host our weekly Job Club for DIVERT participants enabling Custody Intervention Coaches to meet with clients in a neutral space.

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