We partner with a wide range of construction organisations who both employ our participants directly or use the services of our Building and Decorating Social Enterprise.
Our training programme is developed in conjunction with our partners to respond to the shortages of employees within certain sectors in the industry.
We seek to fill the skills gap to become a “go-to” for the construction industry who know they can come to us for much needed enthusiastic employees.
The support of these industry partners is key to what we do enabling us to get more people from prison into paid jobs. We regularly host events in the prisons and invite organisations into the prisons to meet and interview potential employees whilst they are still in training. We also take people in individually to tour our training centres and meet people keen for employment in the industry post release.
Our clients include large Housing Associations, Local Authorities, Construction Companies and Corporates.
Being part of what is often referred to as an exciting, vibrant Social Enterprise movement means that by working with us procurement departments are delivering the principles of the Social Value Act. In addition private individuals reach us for their own personal projects.
How to get involved
IF YOU ARE A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PLEASE CONTACT US via email info@bouncebackproject.com
If you are a candidate looking for work click here for a bb self referral form to download and print
If you are from a prison or probation and would like to refer a candidate click here for a bb external referral form
Please send your completed forms to help@bouncebackproject.com