Employment and support

Our Case Managers are key to leading our “Through the gate” services.

Offering support, advise and guidance to learners on their journey from training to reliable employment their role involves liaising with learners before, during and after their release; and working collaboratively with partners in the criminal justice and construction sectors.

We have a team of 6 dedicated Case workers who support individuals and help them to follow a plan, aiming to remove barriers to work and make the transition into employment as seamless as possible. Our tailored, needs-based approach allows flexibility to our programme where we recognise that some participants will require more activity than others.  This individualised support means we can become a constant figure in their journey to employment which allows us to confidently put the right candidates forward for the right opportunities which impacts sustainability.

How we support youOur case managers work across the prison estate engaging with participants 6 months prior to release. Their tailored role includes but is not limited to:

  • Programme mobilisation and employer engagement
  • Initial assessment of participants
  • Training and development in soft and hard skills including accredited training
  • Through the gate work and individual handovers to address known vulnerabilities in the weeks immediately after release
  • Targeted pre and post-employment support and skills training including:
    • Managing stress
    • Basic money management including budget planning
    • Diagnosing barriers to employment and addressing any deficits
    • Individual Learning plans
    • Personal development
    • Presentation and interpersonal skills
    • Time Management
    • Dispute resolution
    • Confidence building
    • Empathy and Friendliness
    • CV writing + Disclosure letters, job application support and interview prep
    • Information Advice and Guidance (IAG)
    • Workshops in self-employment setup specifically for working in the construction industry – record keeping, tax return and CIS guidance
    • Job Brokerage, sourcing opportunities and liaising with employers to match suitable participants
    • Support handover to our social enterprise if the participant is going to join our in-house site team
    • CSCS support including delivering or referring to the relevant Health & Safety Qualification, delivering practice sessions, test booking and ordering the card.
    • Referral to other sector specific accredited training should it be required, e.g. asbestos awareness

We provide travel and subsistence expenses for the first two weeks of employment and purchase safety equipment and starter tool kit.

Post-Employment support from case managers can continue for approximately a year to aid sustainability, but in our experience the more intensive assistance is needed in the first 6 months, depending upon the individual. 

During this time case managers:

  • Manage expectations of ex-offenders and the construction partners.
  • Provide ongoing liaison and support for employers to work with participants
  • Provide ongoing support and mentoring of individuals until they are settled – a year or over
  • Remain a point of contact for work and personal issues
  • Provide in-work support for both participant and employer to ensure issues are handled in way that is beneficial for both
  • Provide detailed reports and feedback on the clients who come through the programme


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