DIVERT is our early Intervention programme for young adults in partnership with the Metropolitan Police.  It aims to reduce offending by directly engaging with 18-25 year olds to divert them away from crime and into a positive way forward.

Operating in an increasing number of police stations across London, young adults have the opportunity to engage with the programme by asking to see a DIVERT specialist Custody Intervention Coach, based in that station whilst in the custody suite immediately post arrest.

This time is considered as an opportune ‘teachable moment’ to address their vulnerabilities and demonstrate that support is available. The coaches will listen, discuss their situation and provide information and advice and look at options that give them choice and the opportunity of a way forward.  This also includes developing a plan that supports individuals away from crime and into positive career opportunities.

DIVERT coaches are non-judgemental and focus on a long term personal plan which can include training, education and employment as well as access to other services and a supportive environment community through sport, music and more.

DIVERT sits outside of the criminal justice system – their coaches are independent of the police investigation, so all conversations are completely confidential.  Furthermore DIVERT works in parallel with the criminal justice system so coaches can work with candidates whilst the criminal proceedings are in progress, tailoring the intervention programme according to the judicial circumstances without interfering with the course of justice.

DIVERT currently operates in the Police custody suites in these stations. If a person has not been able to access an intervention coach during their time in the station they may self refer once released.

‘I really enjoy the work we do at DIVERT, and I love the impact I have on young adults to help them achieve their goals and realise their potential. I enjoy building trusting relationships with my clients and guiding them into tangible job and training opportunities, developing their sense of purpose and self-esteem, as well as reducing the likelihood of them reoffending. Working alongside amazing colleagues and helping to change people’s lives gives me immense pride and motivation in my role, and the DIVERT Programme works incredibly well as it offers young people caught up in the Criminal Justice System a real lifeline and opportunity to make positive change.’ Billy, DIVERT Intervention Coach. 

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