Corporate Support

Better Together

Partnerships are at the heart of what we do at Bounce Back. They play a key role in enabling us to support even more people within the criminal justice system to gain the skills and experience needed to secure and sustain employment. We partner with companies that want to deliver real change. All our partnerships are completely bespoke, as we want to ensure employees are involved in fun, engaging, and mutually beneficial activities.

Providing Employment Opportunities

At Bounce Back, we know that people within the criminal justice system face discrimination when securing employment opportunities due to their criminal convictions. As a partner, you could provide jobs, industry work experience, apprenticeships, and World of Work Tour opportunities to Bounce Back participants. Finding work is one of the best ways to help alleviate poverty and empower people with convictions to contribute positively to society.


“Landsec has enjoyed a highly successful partnership with Bounce Back for ten years, during which time they have been valued collaborators in all aspects of our social impact work, from addressing skills gaps within the construction industry to helping people from diverse backgrounds identify roles within the wider real estate industry. Bounce Back is one of our founding employability partners through Landsec Futures, our £20m programme to address social mobility within the real estate industry, and we are delighted to continue building on our success as part of the ongoing partnership.”

Benjamin Anderson, Sustainability Manager – Landsec



As a corporate partner, you will have access to volunteering opportunities that bring your employees together to make a difference in their local community. Volunteering opportunities, either in prisons or in the community, include activities such as painting and decorating or delivering various workshops. These activities offer great team-building opportunities for your employees. We design the workshops in partnership to both utilise your employees’ skills and ensure that the workshops are beneficial to our participants.

Pro-bono Support

We welcome the opportunity for your company to utilise its professional skills to help improve our operations and outcomes. Projects could include marketing and communications support, project development and management, or the development of our CRM system.

Fundraising Activities

We will work with you to create a calendar of fundraising activities that align with your organisational CSR, HR Development, and Wellbeing goals, while also providing employees with the opportunity to make a real difference as a team. This could include planning events to mark awareness days, such as Mental Health Awareness Week, where we can attend as guest speakers.

Physical Donations

We welcome donations of various items based on the needs of our training team and participants. Items we have received include paint and equipment needed to deliver our training courses, as well as food bank donations to support our participants during the cost-of-living crisis.

We represent a unique proposition for partners. We work hard to ensure our brand impacts well with those we work with as we are a perfect vehicle for supporting organisations to deliver against a range of their CSR obligations.

Our ways of working with organisations are diverse but tailored to be fun whilst fitting with CSR policies.
There’s convincing evidence to show that there are business benefits for including ex-offenders in targeted recruitment programmes, not only to address prevailing skill shortages, but also regarding issues of corporate responsibility and working towards the creation and maintenance of inclusive and economically successful communities in which people and businesses can prosper

CIPD, employing ex-offenders to capture talent

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