The Bounce Back team

Our team has grown steadily year on year, in line with the expansion and development of our projects.


We take great care in recruiting individuals who bring both a genuine passion for our work and specialist skills. Many of our team members have strong ties to the criminal justice system and, through personal experience, understand the challenges of reintegrating after prison. They recognise the crucial need for trust, support, and meaningful employment during this important transition. Bounce Back has around 50 employees. Below is our senior leadership team.


A Director for a number of charities for over 20 years, Shirley’s passion is a belief in people, that everyone should have the opportunity to thrive and lead fulfilling lives.
Her work in secondary education, witnessing the level of disadvantage some young people faced, inspired a change of direction, and she joined DISC (now Humankind), where she worked her way from practitioner to Director for Employment Services, and onto creating their Business Development capabilities to secure their future. Joining CGL in 2010, Shirley was responsible for a portfolio of services, in and out of prisons across Scotland and England, before becoming their Director for Culture nationally.
Joining Bounce Back Shirley has come full circle, back to her passion and roots of education and employment. Shirley has held trustee positions for Whole in My Bucket and Citizens Advice Bureau where she now acts as a co-opted advisor.
You should know: Shirley loves the outdoors, including hiking hills with her dog and to travel.

Shirley Riley

Director for Bounce Back
claire cropped 3

Claire has been involved with recruitment, talent and people development since 2002. At Working Chance she built the UK's first charity dedicated to supporting
women leaving the criminal justice and care systems into jobs. Returning to the private sector Claire then joining a CIPD Award winning HR
consultancy to advise, facilitate and develop great places to work for FTSE 100 organisations.

Building on her network and working in tandem to developments within the MOJ Claire joined us to provide strategic advice. Claire has recruited some of our best talent enabling the successful launch of our NGB & VCTF projects and managed the recruitment for our CEO.

You should know: Claire cannot sing - but loves to sing.

Claire Saint

Head of Employment Services

With over 25 years experience within the criminal justice system providing strategic and fundraising support for small charities Kate has received several awards including The Butler Trust Award for exceptional support for marginalised people.
Having worked with, and advised, several Philanthropists and large grant giving Trusts and Foundations on areas of need of funding, and the importance of good and regular evaluation, Kate believes building relationships with like-minded funders requires a careful, comprehensive and strategic approach.

Kate Ruby

Head of DIVERT

Karen has worked in Apprenticeship training and spent a significant number of years working in Further Education; with an emphasis on support and wellbeing. She was a proud leader of a team of Personal Tutors – otherwise known as superheroes, taking care of the welfare needs of thousands of students each year. In this role she grew a huge network of professionals who helped to develop the personal and social curriculum . One thing she is very proud of is that every student had the opportunity to improve their employability skills and had a work ready interview with volunteers as part of their social responsibility commitments. For the past five years she has worked in Offender Learning in Youth Custody where she has learned about prison education contracts and supported young people to be successful in their next steps.

You should know that Karen loves to change her hair colour and has been just about every colour apart from green

Karen Baker

Head of Training

Fadzai has been working in the charity sector for over 10 years. She is a skilled fundraiser a track record in securing six figure grants from Trust and Foundations, corporate partners, major donors, events and campaigns. As the Head of Innovation & Growth at Bounce Back, Fadzai leads on raising much needed funds.
You should know: Fadzai enjoys traveling.

Fadzai Dzimwasha

Head of Innovation & Growth


  • Sheena Asthana
  • Jean Daintith
  • Craig Denholm
  • Jim Heptinstall
  • Elaine Hindal
  • Rahul Jaitly
  • Sue Killen
  • Stuart McMinnies
  • Deborah Rozansky
  • Tim Sampey
  • Caroline Shuldham

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