About us

Bounce Back is both a charity and a social enterprise dedicated to supporting individuals inside and outside of prison who are at risk of or have a history of offending and substance misuse. We focus on empowering people to turn their lives around, reduce reoffending, and contribute to a society where everyone can look forward to a brighter future.

At Bounce Back we do this by providing people with support every step of the way, for as long as they need – everything they need to be work-ready, apply for and sustain a job.

We offer training and skills that employers want and need now and in the future, that can lead to good jobs with prospects.

We’re proud of what we have achieved


It all began with a great idea in 2010: a Social Enterprise that trained and employed people leaving prison as painters and decorators. The Social Enterprise is still going strong today. It continues to offer painting and decorating services, but has expanded into fire door safety, general building and grounds maintenance, emergency repairs, and refurbishments. Our team has grown into skilled tradespeople who act as role models and mentors for trainees and new recruits who join us all the time.

Since 2010, Bounce Back has supported around 10,000 people across London with their training and employment needs.

We run employability programmes across London and diversionary activities for young people at the point of custody. We have training hubs in four London prisons. We’re grateful to City & Guilds and our network of employers who continue to collaborate with us, enabling us to offer training that leads to jobs.

And, of course, we couldn’t do it without our funders, the trust foundations, and grant donations. A huge thank you!

Support us in building a bright future


There’s much more we can do, and we’re looking at opportunities to expand our offer in prisons and the community, across London and beyond.

If you’d like to know more about working with us, get in touch info@bouncebackproject.com.

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