Author: Bounce Back

An exciting art installation is underway in the Kennington Art Space by the Russian Artist, Uliana Apatina  The architectural installation will be in residence for the next few weeks and adds a further dimension to the artistic side of the centre from where the painting and...

We are delighted that one of our trainees has been spotted whilst working on a project and offered full time, permanent employment. Matthew Plummer went through our training course in January of this year and has since been a steady team member working with us...

The Bounce Back BBQ was finally lit last Friday as the sun shone and London prepared for the Jubilee weekend. The perfect excuse for an impromptu lunch with some undeclared catering skills being uncovered by the minute. Of particular note was the "Waldeab marinade" –...

Crown Paints have kindly donated  large quantities of paint for Bounce Back projects. Crown offer an extensive range of colours and have fantastic "colour scheme recommendations" on their website.  We will certainly seek inspiration from there and put the paints to good use on our community work. ...

This week some of our guys are enjoying the London sunshine from a rather unique position. In partnership with Axis, we have been given a contract to paint the exterior of a  nine story building in South East London. In order to achieve these heady heights they...

Last Saturday Blackheath Rugby Club completed their league programme for 2011-12 with a match against Rosslyn Park. The event was exciting in many ways…. Being in aid of Breast Cancer Care if was all "ladies day" with an impressive display of rugby and players despite the...

At the end of March Bounce Back hosted a lunchtime reception in its wonderful Kennington workspace. Over 100 supporters and associated partners attended the event with a large percentage of the Bounce Back Painting and Decorating team taking time out from their projects to join...

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