
We are delighted to announce that we have won the No Offence! Redemption and Justice "Employer Award". Announced and presented last week at a ceremony the award is for creating oppportunities for those with a criminal conviction to gain employment. We are really pleased with this...

Currently on loan to us and imposingly situated within our office is a rather unique statue called "The Box" created by Steve Caplin. Steve is a digital artist, author and journalist whose work appears in magazines and newspapers around the world. He lectures on Photoshop techniques...

With a shared ethos of  a ‘hand-up, not handout’  and commitment to helping ex-offenders and the socially excluded get back on their feet we have joined forces with Veterans Aid in a practical training and employment venture. CEO of Veterans Aid Dr Hugh Milroy said, “We...

It's live!!! If you have been before we hope you like the facelift, if you are here for the first time it's great to see you and we really hope it tells you all you need to know.  We are very excited by it. It...

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